Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Woman Humiliates Guy with Chivalry is Dead, Gets Called out Instead

Trending on social media today is a story of a girl who goes online to humiliate a guy with the "chivalry is dead" card only to be called out by a famous Facebook page for being an asshole.

The story goes that a certain lady named Paolo Kristal Gardon went online and posted a photo of a hapless dude who was seated in the MRT. In the caption, she states proceeds to humiliate the unwitting guy calling him UNATTRACTIVE and a NON-GENTLEMAN.

So what's the big deal? Apparently she wanted this guy to offer up his seat at the MRT but probably got the cold shoulder, which is understandable because its his seat to give. This lady though thinks that it is her right to be offered a seat EVERYTIME which is why she made the costly mistake of ranting about this on Facebook. 

What was the fallout from her post? The Senyora Santibanez Facebook fanpage picked up the story and went on to give this lady a sound trashing. 

I wonder how this will pan out?

We'd love to comment but its not our place to do so as we just deliver the hottest trending news in the Philippines.


  1. Well, you wanted gender equality so you can also stand up on public transpos like men. We are just being a gentlemen to give you the equality that you deserve.

  2. Well, you wanted gender equality so you can also stand up on public transpos like men. We are just being a gentlemen to give you the equality that you deserve.

  3. Pwede rin kayong sumabit sa jeep during rush hour.

  4. Pwede rin kayong sumabit sa jeep during rush hour.

  5. Unless you are pregnant, disabled, a senior citizen or carrying a small child go find your own %$#@^ seat. There's a women only train compartment so what the hell are you doing there in the first place?

  6. Quick ! kill it before it lays eggs!
